Castello, Trademark, Billard, 4K
DKK 3500,-
Tax free price DKK 2800,-
Peterson, Christmas Pipe 2024, Model 230, Sand
DKK 1395,-
Tax free price DKK 1116,-
Rattrays, Bamboo, Bent Billard, Brown Smooth
DKK 1150,-
Tax free price DKK 920,-
Dunhill, Shell 4202, Bent Billard
DKK 3700,-
Tax free price DKK 2960,-

Dagner Pipes, 2022, CWA Devil Anse, Sandblasted
850,-DKK 750,-
Tax free price DKK 600,-
Zippo, Soccer, Black Matte
349,-DKK 279,-
Tax free price DKK 223,20
Estate Frederick & Nelson, Dublin, Presmoked
1000,-DKK 750,-
Tax free price DKK 600,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Freehand/w. antler bone/box wood
9500,-DKK 7125,-
Tax free price DKK 5700,-

Vauen, The Whistle, Model 5
1450,-DKK 999,-
Tax free price DKK 799,20
Tom Eltang, Book by Jan Andersson
DKK 250,-
Tax free price DKK 200,-
Rattrays, The Crow, Pipecase
DKK 175,-
Tax free price DKK 140,-
DKK 199,-
Tax free price DKK 159,20

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