Lasse Skovgaard, Danish Dublin
9500,-DKK 7125,-
Tax free price DKK 5700,-
Zippo, Regular Woodchuck Walnut
729,-DKK 650,-
Tax free price DKK 520,-
Stanwell, Pipe of the year 2023, Black
1500,-DKK 1275,-
Tax free price DKK 1020,-
Yandouke, Formula, 2 Apples w. silver ring
5650,-DKK 4237,50
Tax free price DKK 3390,-

Brebbia, Pipe Rack with drawer, 5 Pipes
DKK 995,-
Tax free price DKK 796,-
Zippo, The Danish Pipe Shop edition, Butane, ST
DKK 399,-
Tax free price DKK 319,20
The Danish Pipe Shop Cap
DKK 165,-
Tax free price DKK 132,-
Brebbia, Horseshoe nail pipe tamper
DKK 10,-
Tax free price DKK 8,-

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