Dunhill, Shell 4204, Bulldog
DKK 3700,-
Tax free price DKK 2960,-
Estate Savinelli, Noce, Billard, Presmoked
DKK 750,-
Tax free price DKK 600,-
Dunhill, County 3204, Bulldog
DKK 3300,-
Tax free price DKK 2640,-
Peterson, Christmas Pipe 2024, Model X220, Rust.
DKK 1325,-
Tax free price DKK 1060,-

Yandouke, Formula, 2 Apples w. silver ring
5650,-DKK 4237,50
Tax free price DKK 3390,-
Berggreen Pipes, Billard w. bamboo
5850,-DKK 4950,-
Tax free price DKK 3960,-
Martin Wess, COUNTRY Pipe bag for 5 pipes, Brown
2150,-DKK 1850,-
Tax free price DKK 1480,-
Dagner Pipes, 2022, CWA Devil Anse, Smooth
895,-DKK 795,-
Tax free price DKK 636,-

TDPS, Reborn Classic, The Dan Shape, Red Matte
DKK 750,-
Tax free price DKK 600,-
The Danish Pipe Shop Cap
DKK 165,-
Tax free price DKK 132,-
DKK 199,-
Tax free price DKK 159,20
TDPS, Reborn Classic, The Dan Shape, Smooth Pol.
DKK 800,-
Tax free price DKK 640,-

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