Claudio Albieri TDPS pipe cleaner holder

Claudio Albieri TDPS pipe cleaner holder - The Danish Pipe Shop
DKK 75,- 加入购物车
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(免欧盟增值税 DKK 60,-)
Length: 185 mm
重量: 41 gr
Width is 65mm on top and 50mm on the bottom.
品牌: Claudio Albieri
产品编号: Claudio Albier/TDPS pipe cleaner holder

As a special treat Claudio Albieri has developed a practical pipe cleaner holder with our logo moulded dsicretely on the front. Opposite similar pipe cleaner holders this is very high quality, its bigger (more space) and the leather back is very hard and protects the cleaners.Super cool pipe cleaner holder for approx. 25 pipe cleaners. Soft black bovine leather in front and hard bovine leather as the back. The Danish Pipe Shop's logo is moulded on the front of the holder.

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