Nording, Keystones, refill bag

Nording, Keystones, refill bag  - The Danish Pipe Shop
DKK 185,- Add to basket
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(Tax free price DKK 148,-)
Weight: 100 gr
Brand: Nørding Pipes
Product no: Nording, Keystones, refill bag

Ensure a dry and cool smoke with the help of Nørding's Keystones! We recommend to use these in the Eriksen Keystone Filter pipe or the Nørding Shorty pipe, but you can use them in normal pipes as well. Use 10-15 in the Eriksen pipe and 5-10 in a normal pipe.
These high absorbing volcanic clay pellets can be uses in any kind of pipe and will absorb excess condensation while you smoke. Just put some Keystones into the bowl and fill it with tobacco. It also gives you a better chance of smoking the entire load of tobacco as there will be no foul tasting wet tobacco in the bottom of the chamber.

Please note that all depending stock situation you can get its in the grey bag or alternative in a black Shorty bag. It's the same product.

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