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The biggest selection of Danish tobacco pipes in Europe!

At The Danish Pipe Shop in Copenhagen, Denmark you find the largest selection of tobacco pipes in Northern Europe and probably the biggest selection of Danish made pipes in Europe - maybe the world?: Enjoy pipe maker names like Tom Eltang, Kurt Balleby, Tine Balleby, Nanna Ivarsson, Anne Julie, Manduela, Tao, Stanwell, Peter Heding, Neerup Pipes, Peder Jeppesen Pipes, Poul Winsløw Pipes, Chacom, Dagner Pipes, Dunhill, Castello, Talamona, Volkan, Luiz Lavos, Suhr Pipes, Bay Denmark Pipes, Berggreen Pipes, Henri Pipes, GBP Pipes, Werner Mummert Pipes and many more!

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Castello, Castello, Stubby Chubby Pot, KK
DKK 3800,-
Tax free price DKK 3040,-
Bay Denmark, Chubby Brandy, 9 mm
DKK 3995,-
Tax free price DKK 3196,-
Poul Winsløw, Grade C, Chubby Bent Freehand, 9 mm.
DKK 3750,-
Tax free price DKK 3000,-
Poul Winsløw, Grade C, Cracked Egg- Tulip, 9 mm.
DKK 3700,-
Tax free price DKK 2960,-
Savinelli, Camouflage 320, Chubby Apple, Rustic
DKK 895,-
Tax free price DKK 716,-
Savinelli, Camouflage 320, Chubby Apple, Smooth
DKK 1100,-
Tax free price DKK 880,-
Savinelli, Dolomiti 320KS, Chubby Apple, Smooth
DKK 1125,-
Tax free price DKK 900,-
Savinelli, Dolomiti 321, Chubby Apple, Rustic
DKK 975,-
Tax free price DKK 780,-
Savinelli, Dolomiti 321, Chubby Apple, Smooth
DKK 1125,-
Tax free price DKK 900,-
Savinelli, Eleganza 320, Chubby Apple, Rusticated
DKK 1000,-
Tax free price DKK 800,-
Savinelli, Minerva 320, Chubby Apple, Rusticated
DKK 1195,-
Tax free price DKK 956,-
Savinelli, Minerva 320, Chubby Apple, Smooth
DKK 1395,-
Tax free price DKK 1116,-
Savinelli, Porto Cervo 320, Chubby Apple
DKK 895,-
Tax free price DKK 716,-
Savinelli, Roma 320KS, Chubby Apple
DKK 798,-
Tax free price DKK 638,40
Savinelli, Roma Lucite 320, Chubby Apple, Rustic.
DKK 798,-
Tax free price DKK 638,40
Savinelli, Trevi 320 KS, Chubby Apple, Rusticated
DKK 798,-
Tax free price DKK 638,40
Savinelli, Trevi 320 KS, Chubby Apple, Smooth
DKK 850,-
Tax free price DKK 680,-
Stanwell, Black Diamond 95, Chubby Dublin, 9mm
DKK 1125,-
Tax free price DKK 900,-
Stanwell, Flame Grain 109, Apple w. silver, 9 mm
DKK 2550,-
Tax free price DKK 2040,-
Stanwell, Relief 95, Chubby Dublin, Light, 9 mm.
DKK 995,-
Tax free price DKK 796,-
Stanwell, Royal Guard 15, Bent Apple, 9 mm.
DKK 1025,-
Tax free price DKK 820,-
Stanwell, Trio 109, Apple, Sand, 9 mm.
DKK 1395,-
Tax free price DKK 1116,-
Volkan, Reverse, Chubby Apple
DKK 1550,-
Tax free price DKK 1240,-
Volkan, Reverse, Chubby Apple
DKK 1550,-
Tax free price DKK 1240,-
Winsløw Crown 200, Freehand, 9 mm.
DKK 1100,-
Tax free price DKK 880,-
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