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The biggest selection of Danish tobacco pipes in Europe!

At The Danish Pipe Shop in Copenhagen, Denmark you find the largest selection of tobacco pipes in Northern Europe and probably the biggest selection of Danish made pipes in Europe - maybe the world?: Enjoy pipe maker names like Tom Eltang, Kurt Balleby, Tine Balleby, Nanna Ivarsson, Anne Julie, Manduela, Tao, Stanwell, Peter Heding, Neerup Pipes, Peder Jeppesen Pipes, Poul Winsløw Pipes, Chacom, Dagner Pipes, Dunhill, Castello, Talamona, Volkan, Luiz Lavos, Suhr Pipes, Bay Denmark Pipes, Berggreen Pipes, Henri Pipes, GBP Pipes, Werner Mummert Pipes and many more!

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Meerschaum, Army Mount Billard
DKK 2250,-
Tax free price DKK 1800,-
Meerschaum, Calabash, Small
DKK 2150,-
Tax free price DKK 1720,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Black Sandblast
DKK 835,-
Tax free price DKK 668,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Brown Sandblast
DKK 875,-
Tax free price DKK 700,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Brown Smooth
DKK 995,-
Tax free price DKK 796,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Grey
DKK 995,-
Tax free price DKK 796,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Orange
DKK 1150,-
Tax free price DKK 920,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Rusticated
DKK 925,-
Tax free price DKK 740,-
Chacom, Reverse Calabash, Shiny Brown
DKK 1100,-
Tax free price DKK 880,-
Meerschaum, Bent Dublin, Reverse Calabash
DKK 2550,-
Tax free price DKK 2040,-
Meerschaum, Calabash, Large
DKK 2650,-
Tax free price DKK 2120,-
Meerschaum, Calabash, Large
DKK 2650,-
Tax free price DKK 2120,-
Meerschaum, Calabash, Medium
DKK 2350,-
Tax free price DKK 1880,-
Meerschaum, Calabash, Medium
DKK 2350,-
Tax free price DKK 1880,-
Meerschaum, Calabash, Small
DKK 2150,-
Tax free price DKK 1720,-
Talamona, RC, Suprema, Dublin, Black Sand
950,-DKK 750,-
Tax free price DKK 600,-
Talamona, RC, Suprema, Dublin, Red Smooth
1150,-DKK 750,-
Tax free price DKK 600,-
Vauen, Zeppelin, Rusticated
DKK 2200,-
Tax free price DKK 1760,-
Vauen, Zeppelin, Sand
DKK 1750,-
Tax free price DKK 1400,-
Vauen, Zeppelin, Smooth
DKK 1999,-
Tax free price DKK 1599,20
Volkan, Reverse, Chubby Apple
DKK 1550,-
Tax free price DKK 1240,-
Volkan, Reverse, Chubby Apple
DKK 1550,-
Tax free price DKK 1240,-
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