Pipes - Lasse SkovgaardRead more ...

Lasse Skovgaard

Lasse born in 1983, son of Benni Jørgensen, is a strong representative of the next generation of Danish pipe makers.

When he was younger (basically a big boy) he worked at the legendary W.Ø. Larsen workshop as well as at the Stanwell factory (when it was still located in Denmark), so despite his young age he has a whole lot of experience. We are in love with his work, let that be known, and we especially have a soft spot for his sandblasted pipes.

One thing is for sure, the name Lasse Skovgaard will figure on the list of true high grade pipe makers for a very long time. Lasse's pipes are graduated by the price however he marks his very best flawless pipes with a lion stamp.


In 2020 Lasse staryed a new line called By Skovgaard. These pipes are even more affordable, still handmade, but faster made and with premade acrylic stems he adjust.

Pipes - The Danish Pipe Shop

The biggest selection of Danish tobacco pipes in Europe!

At The Danish Pipe Shop in Copenhagen, Denmark you find the largest selection of tobacco pipes in Northern Europe and probably the biggest selection of Danish made pipes in Europe - maybe the world?: Enjoy pipe maker names like Tom Eltang, Kurt Balleby, Tine Balleby, Nanna Ivarsson, Anne Julie, Manduela, Tao, Stanwell, Peter Heding, Neerup Pipes, Peder Jeppesen Pipes, Poul Winsløw Pipes, Chacom, Dagner Pipes, Dunhill, Castello, Talamona, Volkan, Luiz Lavos, Suhr Pipes, Bay Denmark Pipes, Berggreen Pipes, Henri Pipes, GBP Pipes, Werner Mummert Pipes and many more!

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Lasse Skovgaard,  Calabash-Dublin Hybrid
9550,-DKK 7162,50
Tax free price DKK 5730,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Bent Danish Dublin
11500,-DKK 8625,-
Tax free price DKK 6900,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Brandy, LION
27500,-DKK 20625,-
Tax free price DKK 16500,-
By Skovgaard, Quarter Bent Apple, 9 mm.
3500,-DKK 2625,-
Tax free price DKK 2100,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Bent Horn w. Antler Bone
9550,-DKK 7162,50
Tax free price DKK 5730,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Danish Dublin
9500,-DKK 7125,-
Tax free price DKK 5700,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Devil Anse
7500,-DKK 5625,-
Tax free price DKK 4500,-
Lasse Skovgaard, Freehand/w. antler bone/box wood
9500,-DKK 7125,-
Tax free price DKK 5700,-
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