About us / Contact

The Danish Pipe Shop ApS.:
Address : Vester Voldgade 92
Postal Code / City : 1552 Copenhagen V
Country: Denmark, Europe
Phone : +4533123651
Phone Chinese customer service: +4551156335 or WeChat chinadanishpipeshop 微信号 chinadanishpipeshop
E-mail: info@danishpipeshop.com
Business number: DK32323561
More and more people would like to arrange for private sessions outside normal hours, and we try to be as flexible as we can be.
Please call us on +45 3312 3651.
The Danish Pipe Shop loves feedback so feel free to review us at Google or Trustpilot.
The team in the shop:
Daniel Nielsen
The grandson to the founder Mr. Nielsen and has been a great help for many years. Daniel has a great passion for pipes and especially cigars.
Jim Tang
Jim is responsible for our Chinese customer service. Jim is a Chinese living in Denmark with his wife and children. He understands English, Danish and naturally Chinese. You can write in Chinese at this e-mail address and he will take care of you: China@danishpipeshop.com or direct phone:+4551156335 or WeChat: chinadanishpipeshop
Jonas Uldall Bank
Jonas is our youngest, but dont let age fool you. Fall 2020 he started an educational journey, where he combined school and practical work and ended up as full time employee by us.
Lasse Berg
Lasse Berg is an icon in the Danish pipe community. He has served many pipesmokers in another pipe shop in Copenhagen, but he is mostly known for being the master blender by My Own Blend pipe tobaccos. A fu n detail about Lasse is that he actually has designed a pipe for Stanwell called 24 LB (click here).
Louise Nielsen
Daughter of late founder Mr. Nielsen and takes care of accounting.
Niels Nielsen
Our anchor in the basement that takes care of the online business. Niels has a background as a cigar maker.
Nikolaj Nielsen
Son of the late founder Mr. Nielsen. He grew up among pipes and pipe makers and is now our CEO/Manager.
Pia Søgaard
Our reserve anchor in the basement that takes care of web orders and telephones.