Features on our website!

Welcome to our website and web-shop 

You will find lots and lots of pipes, tobacco and accessories in all price ranges.
Below you can read more about the many features of our website!

Account login

Having an account gives you a number of benefits when using our web-site - and you don't need to buy anything to create an account.
You can create an account right here...

Once logged in you will have the following features:

My Profile

This is where you adjust your contact information incl. your mail and password.


My List

  • You can add any product to your personal "wish"-list.
  • You can print out your personal list to have it as a "checklist" when you are visiting our physical shop in Copenhagen.
  • You can share your personal list with a friend by email - your name and email address will be stated in the mail along with any message you choose to write.
  • You can edit your personal list at any given time.
  • You can transfer your listed items to our shopping basket for an easy order when you are ready.
  • Unique items in your list that have been sold, will be marked "Sold" and will not be transferred to the shopping basket. 


My Comparison

Here you can line up your favourite pipes and compare their specifications. Please note at our website the Comparison list will stay at your account.


My Orders

Here you can see your previous orders and you can reorder previous orders in this web-shop.

My Reviews
Everyone with an account has the possibility to review the tobaccos on our web-site. 
In this section you have a complete overview of the reviews you have given here.

Features on our website! - The Danish Pipe Shop

Additional features

You can choose to see the measurements of the pipes in inches and ounces – or in cm and ml.


The old site was in English – as is the new one. However, a Danish version is in working process and we expect it to be done very soon to serve all our Danish customers.


you can see the prices - and check out - in DKK, EUR and USD.


Now it’s up to you how you like your order to be shipped. At the old site, the only option was our option – not anymore. You decide. When you are at the webshop it will show an estimated shipping price based on your location. When you will check out we will show the different options and prices we have for your destination.


Search and Filtering
Search and Filter options are improved, which makes the possibilities endless. I.e. you can choose your favorite brand, tobacco, cut and narrow it down to only seeing what’s relevant for your taste. 
If you don’t want to use the filters you can always just use the search field to the left in the main menu-bar.

Features on our website! - The Danish Pipe Shop


Our survival is based on listening to our followers and having happy content customers, so we hope you will give us feedback on what is good and what could be improved.


Best regards
Nikolaj Nielsen, CEO

Features on our website! - The Danish Pipe Shop

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Remember! When you buy for more than 2000 DKK including Danish VAT (270 Euro or approx. 225 USD (USD tax free)) we offer shipping included. The amount in USD and EUR can vary as the exchange rate changes.
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