Poul Ilsted
The late Poul Ilsted, largely regarded as one of the very best in the game ever, is someone we’ve known for many, many years as he used to work for Erik Nørding (known to us as Uncle Erik).
Poul was probably mostly known as the ‘facet master’ due to his out-of-this-world facet cuts, and also his perfect Bulldogs, but we think it’s difficult to imagine anything made by Poul to be less than extraordinary.
Poul sadly passed away in 2017. And that day the world of pipes became a smaller place.
Pipes - The Danish Pipe Shop
The biggest selection of Danish tobacco pipes in Europe!
At The Danish Pipe Shop in Copenhagen, Denmark you find the largest selection of tobacco pipes in Northern Europe and probably the biggest selection of Danish made pipes in Europe - maybe the world?: Enjoy pipe maker names like Tom Eltang, Kurt Balleby, Tine Balleby, Nanna Ivarsson, Anne Julie, Manduela, Tao, Stanwell, Peter Heding, Neerup Pipes, Peder Jeppesen Pipes, Poul Winsløw Pipes, Chacom, Dagner Pipes, Dunhill, Castello, Talamona, Volkan, Luiz Lavos, Suhr Pipes, Bay Denmark Pipes, Berggreen Pipes, Henri Pipes, GBP Pipes, Werner Mummert Pipes and many more!
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